Monday, November 17, 2008

Little Possum

Recently Reis love to pretend to fall asleep on the way home in the car... and she does it damn well!!

She did it again yesterday... while on the way home, she again pretended to fall asleep in my mum's arms... we all knew this was her stunt recently. So after i parked, mum told me to carry Reis... While switching from my mum to my arms, we jerk a little, There's totally no expression on reis' face. Even my mum was a little unsure whether she's pretending anot.
So i say a little stuff to try to make her laugh, shake her abit... totally expressionless.... we were convinced that she really fell asleep this time. Went back home, did everything hush hush, prep her bed, arrange the pillows, switch on the air-con, kept the room lights off and lastly gave her a gd night peck. She still looks fast asleep. I went out of her room quietly and told cadis to keep her voice down...
My mum carry on doin some stuff in the room, as she's about to leave the room:

Reis: Nai nai, i thought you wana change clothes for me? (totally awake, not those kind of sleepy face or voice)

Totally scared the daylights out of my mum....

Pics of the little imp...

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